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Good on you: You’ve made a critical step in your ability to convert more readers into leads and sales.

Clearly you care about writing higher-producing copy. And there’s no better way to do so than studying what’s proven to work and applying it for yourself.


I warn you it is a process.

It takes years to refine “your game” and write at a level that doesn’t come across as trying too hard… which turns readers off.

(Been there, done that.)

So if you need converting copy written right now- without investing years of your time- why not get an expert to weigh in on a piece of your choosing?

If you have an ad, sales letter, landing page, email- or any marketing piece you need better results from- this is for you:

I’ll personally prepare and send you an in-depth copywriting audit of a marketing piece of your choice to thank you for downloading this report.

Normally a $399 fee to clients, it’s yours today for only $98 (75% off).

The audit will dissect your piece to reveal where it’s lacking in persuasive appeal, missed conversion opportunities, and unused copywriting techniques suppressing your response.

I’ll even suggest some ways to make it more compelling using some of the same irresistible selling techniques you’ll find in your new report!

Simply reply to the confirmation email in your inbox saying “yes” you’re interested in the 75%-off audit!    

NOTE: You can send me any piece of sales copy: on- or offline ad; landing page, squeeze page; email; sell sheet; video script, etc. Limited to a 2-page sales letter or VSL script maximum. (Custom proposals available for longer pieces.)

To Better Returns,
